
Summer Gutter Maintenance Tips

Summer is here, bringing with it sunshine, warmth, and the occasional heavy downpour. One often overlooked aspect of home maintenance during the summer is gutter care. Keeping your gutters in good shape is essential to protect your home from water damage. This is especially important in the summer when heavy rain and falling debris can cause big problems.

In this guide, we’ll discuss the importance of summer gutter maintenance, the specific challenges that gutters face during this season, and a detailed checklist to keep your gutters in top condition.

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Standard Gutter Sizes and Dimensions

Gutters are often overlooked. They help prevent water damage to your house by directing rainwater away from your roof, walls, and foundation. Choosing the right gutter size and style can make all the difference in maintaining the structural integrity of your home. In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about standard gutter sizes and dimensions, materials, and tips to help you choose the perfect gutters for your home.

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Why Your Gutters Are Overflowing and How to Fix It

When gutters work correctly, they are supposed to protect your home from water damage. They direct rainwater away from your foundation, walls, and landscape. However, when they overflow, they can cause many problems, from mildew on your siding to severe foundation issues.  In this post, we’ll explain why it’s important to understand why your gutters are overflowing and how fixing them can save you time, money, and frustration.

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clogged downspout

What is Gutter Slope and Why Is It So Important

Although installing gutters may seem simple, there is actually an art to it. Your gutters won’t function properly if placed incorrectly – in fact, without proper gutter placement, your gutters won’t function at all. The key to ensuring your gutters will work correctly and bring water from Point A to Point B is to create the proper gutter slope. 

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4 Signs You May Need New Gutters

Gutters protect your home from damaging excess moisture that can wreak havoc on your foundation, siding, paint, and more! However, if they’re broken beyond repair, they’re not transporting water away from your house like you need them to be. Unsure if your gutters are causing damage to your home and need to be replaced? Read on below for four signs that you may need new gutters!

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white seamless rain gutters

Where Should I Place My Rain Gutters?

No matter if you’re building a home from the ground up, or are looking to add gutters to your existing home, gutter placement is an important decision. Obviously, you want your gutters to be effective at gathering water and taking it away from your home, so they need to be placed properly. You also have to consider what is surrounding your home as you don’t want the water flow from the gutter hitting your garden or trees. 

If you’re asking yourself where you should place your gutters, keep reading on below! We will provide guidelines for optimal gutter placement. 

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clogged downspout

Why You Should Add a Gutter Spout Diverter

Gutters take rain water and deposit it away from the base of your foundation and the side of your home, but what do you do when the water is being released in an inconvenient place? The easiest and most affordable solution is to add a gutter downspout diverter. As the name suggests, a downspout diverter diverts water away from a specific area. There are both unique and common situations to why you may want to add a gutter diverter – we’ll dive into them below!

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gutter size

Different Types of Rain Gutter Hangers

As a homeowner, it’s important that you understand all the different elements of equipment and structural additions that help your home run smoothly. That applies to gutters and their smaller components including gutter hangers. Below we will explain what gutter hangers are and detail the different types of rain gutter hangers so you can make the best choice for your home – let’s dive in!

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Why Do Gutters Leak?

Gutters are designed to funnel rainwater away from your home to prevent foundation damage and soil erosion, and when they’re leaking, they’re not doing their job which can lead to costly home repairs down the line. If you notice that your gutters may be leaking, it’s likely due to one of the following causes. 

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copper continuous rain gutters and down spouts

Parts of Gutters

Whether you already have gutters or are interested in adding them to your home, knowing the parts of a gutter will help you understand how they work and why they’re so important for your property. To help in your understanding, we’ve compiled a list of the major parts of a gutter and described their importance. Let’s dive in!

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